The 24th “History of Sino-German Literary Exchange” and the 55th Session of “Zijin Lectures” Held Successfully
Mar 04, 2024| |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
The morning of February 26, 2024 witnessed the success of the 24th session of the Dong’s Academic Salon of Literature, History and Philosophy “History of Sino-German Literary Exchange”, as well as the 55th session of “Zijin Lectures”. Themed “Distant Mystery: Global Historical Landscape of German Literature from Goethe to Trojanow”, the lecture was delivered by Prof. LI Shuangzhi, Dean of German Department of College of Foreign Languages and Literature of Fudan University, and moderated by Associate Prof. LIU Yongqiang from School of International Studies of Zhejiang University. Prof. LI Yuan, Academic Leader of German studies, Dr. ZHUANG Wei, a youth researcher of “Hundred Talents Program” and some undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students from German major or other majors attended this lecture.
Source: School of International Studies