Retrospective cohort study finds lethal diquat poisoning manifesting as acute central nervous system injury and circulatory failure
Apr 24, 2023| |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
Prof. LU Yuanqiang, director of Emergency Department of the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (FAHZU) published an article recently in eClinicalMedicine, entitled “Lethal diquat poisoning manifests as acute central nervous system injury and circulatory failure: A retrospective cohort study of 50 cases”. The study demonstrated a positive correlation between initial plasma DQ poisoning after admission and mortality in patients with acute DQ poisoning. The primary cause of increased mortality in patients with acute DQ poisoning is refractory circulatory failure, and the second is central nervous system injury in the brainstem region.
Source: School of Medicine