Scientists report the first method to spatially deconvolve traditional bulk RNA-seq data at single-cell resolution
Dec 30, 2022| |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
Recently, the research team of Prof. FAN Xiaohui from the Zhejiang University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta, Zhejiang University, together with Professor CHEN Huajun's team from the Zhejiang University School of Computer Science and Technology, and Prof. GAO Yue 's team from Academy of Military Medical Sciences, published a research article entitled “De novo analysis of bulk RNA-seq data at spatially resolved single-cell resolution” in the journal Nature Communications. The study proposed a spatial deconvolution algorithm, Bulk2Space, to reconstruct the bulk transcriptome at single-cell spatial resolution for the first time using deep learning frameworks such as β-VAE.
Source: Global Communications