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The 7th International Workshop for Graduates of Zhejiang University: “Paper Writing and International Publication” held successfully

On September 9, 2022, the branch workshop of the 7th International Workshop for Graduate Students of Zhejiang University, “Paper Writing and International Publication” (Sept. 5-9, 2022) ended successfully. The online workshop was sponsored by the Graduate School of Zhejiang University (ZJU), organized by the School of International Studies of ZJU, and aims to improve graduate students’ English paper writing and international publication through online lectures and discussion. This 5-day workshop invited editors of high-level international academic journals of various fields to illustrate the features of their journals, show differences between papers accepted and rejected, and share their ideas about peer journals, etc., to promote our understanding of the academic paper writing and international publication.

Source:School of International Studies of ZheJiang University

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