Symposium held in celebration of Dr. Tsung-Dao Lee’s 95th birthday
Dec 31, 2021| |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
On Nov. 20, Zhejiang University hosted a symposium in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics and the 95th birthday of Dr. Tsung-Dao Lee, Nobel Prize laureate in physics and an alumnus of the National Che Kiang University (the predecessor of Zhejiang University). Before the symposium, Dr. Lee sent a handwritten message to express his best wishes to the Institute: “studying the phenomena of nature, acquiring quintessential knowledge in physics, seeking truth and pursuing innovation”.
The ZJU delegation led by President WU Zhaohui (the fourth from the left) paid a visit to Dr. Tsung-Dao Lee in San Francisco (the fourth from the right) in 2017.
The Institute was established in 1991 at the proposal of Dr. Lee and Dr. LU Yongxiang, former president of Zhejiang University. Dr. Lee and his mentor during his study at the National Che Kiang University WANG Ganchang were appointed as Director of the Institute and Director of the Institute’s Academic Committee respectively. Since its inception, the Institute has drawn up the blueprint for theoretical physics, particle physics, atomic nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, astrophysics, quantum information theory, statistical physics and complex systems, and nuclear science and technology, thus becoming one of the largest institutes in theoretical physics in China. Over the past 30 years, the Institute has stayed focused on the core domains of physics research, made a body of groundbreaking achievements, nurtured internationally-renowned talents, and provided viable scientific solutions to challenging projects.