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5 ZJU scientists named CAS and CAE members in 2021

On November 18, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) unveiled the list of this years new members. Prof. RUAN Yongbin at the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics and Prof. XU Shilang at the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture were elected CAS members. Prof. ZHENG Jinyang and Prof. GAO Xiang at the College of Energy Engineering as well as Prof. YU Jingquan at the College of Agriculture and Biotechnology were named CAE members. 

Prof. RUAN Yongbin has long committed himself to research in the fields of symplectic geometry and mathematical physics. He has made significant contributions to Gromov-Witten invariants and quantum cohomology, Chen-Ruan cohomology, FJRW theory and their applications. 

Prof. XU Shilang is a distinguished expert in safety of concrete structures. He has conducted research into concrete fracture mechanics and high-performance composite structures. He has made tremendous contributions to theoretical innovations in terms of concrete fracture mechanics as well as material development and engineering.

Prof. ZHENG Jinyang has long dedicated himself to research into high-pressure vessels and pipelines. His enormous achievements in high-pressure hydrogen storage, cryogenic vessels and ductile high-pressure composite pipelines have been highly recognized. 

Prof. GAO Xiang has long engaged in research into pollution and carbon reduction in the field of energy and environment. He has made remarkable achievements in ultra-low emissions of power plants, efficient flue gas treatment and efficient purification of vessel exhausts. 

Prof. YU Jingquan has long been devoted to research into vegetable growth and quality control. He has made substantial contributions to the establishment of the modern vegetable production theory and the anti-resistance and high-yield technology system.


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