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GU Zhen awarded the Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal

OnJanuary 15th, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) awarded the Felix FranksBiotechnology Medal to GU Zhen, Qiushi Chair Professor of Zhejiang University andDean of College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, for his fundamental andtechnological innovations in the drug delivery field for the treatment ofdiabetes and cancers. The award ceremony was held at Zhejiang University.Authorized by the RSC Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal Committee, Prof. ZHOUTianhua, Zhejiang University Vice President, granted the award to GU Zhen.

Prof.Stephen Harding, Chairman of the RSC Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal Committeeand a professor from the University of Nottingham, and the Franks familyattended the ceremony online.

TheRSC Felix Franks Medal was established in 2019. It was named after Prof. FelixFranks (1926-2016), a highly distinguished former Chair of the BiotechnologyGroup at the University of Cambridge, to commemorate his significantcontributions in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceuticalindustry, including the applications of freeze-drying technology in thepreservation and delivery of vaccines, insulin and other biomacromoleculardrugs. The award aims to encourage and recognize excellence in scientists inthe application of chemical sciences to the study of any aspect ofbiotechnology. Each year, the committee selects an award winner from academicor industrial fields worldwide. GU Zhen is the first winner of the award sinceits establishment.

“We’retremendously proud of GU Zhen and his many accomplishments, including thishonor,” said ZHOU Tianhua. “The emergence of coronavirus has underscored theabsolute necessity of interdisciplinary research and international cooperation.We appreciate this award, which encourages scientists across the world to applychemical sciences for exploiting biotechnologies.”

“Itis my great honor to receive the Felix Franks Biotechnology Medal,” said GUZhen. “Our innovations are built on others’ contributions, of course, includingProf. Felix Franks’ significant discovery and inventions. The award willinspire me to bring more biotechnology innovations to the reality.” After theceremony, GU Zhen also gave an academic talk entitled “Leverage Physiology forBioresponsive Drug Delivery”.

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