Center for Digital Communication Studies set up at ZJU
Dec 29, 2020|hufei |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
OnDecember 27, Center for Digital Communication Studies was launched at ZJU.Focusing on revolutionary changes in digital media, the Center will commititself to the integration of digital technology and journalism &communication.
“Digitalrevolution is profoundly reshaping the human concept of time and space and alteringpeople’s lifestyles,” Prof. WU Zhaohui, President of Zhejiang University, saidin his congratulatory remarks. He hoped that the Center would direct diverseresources to cultivating future media leaders and advancing frontier researchthrough digital innovation.
“Weshould respond actively to the challenges that the Internet era poses tojournalism education,” said Prof. MI Bohua, Dean of the School of Journalism atFudan University and former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the People’s Daily. “Inthe digital era, the upgrading and renovation of journalism education is along-term project, which needs concerted efforts from academia, the journalismindustry and the society.”
Afterthe opening ceremony, Ms. TANG Weihong, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board ofthe People’s Daily Online, Prof. YIN Jianwei, Vice Dean of College ofComputer Science and Technology, and Prof. HUANG Dan, Director ofthe Center delivered the keynote speeches respectively, sharing their insightson the challenges and opportunities for the digital media empowered byinformation technology.