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College of Agriculture and Biotechnology celebrates the 110th anniversary of its founding

OnNovember 28, Zhejiang University College of Agriculture and Biotechnology (CAB) celebratedthe 110th anniversary of its founding on Zijingang Campus.

Overthe past 110 years, CAB has developed in sync with the times. It establishedChina’s first horticulture and entomology, set up the first isotope laboratoryin China’s agricultural system and published China’s first research article inagricultural sciences in the journal of Science. It boasts two national“first-class disciplines” and two A+ disciplines.

“Inthe past 110 years, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology has beenunswervingly seeking truth, forging ahead, striving for innovation and enhancingthe well-being of people,” said REN Shaobo, Chairman of the Zhejiang UniversityCouncil, hoping that CAB will take the 110th anniversary as aspringboard for the building of a world-class agricultural college, thus makingmore contributions to sustainable development in the new era.

ZHOUGuofu, former Deputy Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee andChairman of the 10th Zhejiang Committee of CPPCC, expected that CAB willadhere to the integration of industry, academia and research and commit itselfto collaborative innovation. “Agriculture is the great cause of mankind, andZhejiang University, as my alma mater, is our shared spiritual home,” addedZHOU Guofu.

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