Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang University held the Online International Summer Camp on DeepTech Ventures
Aug 06, 2020|hufei |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
From July 1 to 31, 2020, the 5th ZhejiangUniversity International Workshop for Graduate Students & Online SummerCamp on DeepTech Ventures was successfully held. The summer camp attracted theactive participation of 50 graduate engineering students from the PolytechnicInstitute and was a wonderful success enjoyed by every participant.
The entire summer camp was taught inEnglish, covering diverse topics and rich content on Deep Tech InnovativeVentures. The summer camp had Professors and entrepreneurship tutors from ÉcolePolytechnique (France), Agoranov (France), KAIST (Korea) and the Sino-FrenchAcceleration Center on Innovation. The teaching focused on the cultivation ofDesign thinking, knowledge and practical ability, and undertookentrepreneurship project work on real cases,through a variety of teaching methods. The participants experienced theinteraction of different types of graduate engineering students, theintegration of different engineering fields, and the rich cross-culturalinteraction between teachers and students with diverse cultural backgrounds.
Theparticipants enjoyed a combination of theory and practice. Firstly, theparticipants gained relevant knowledge of business management, marketing,financial management and economics, that provided a theoretical basis for theimprovement of subsequent entrepreneurial projects.
Secondly,case studies through Harvard business cases, using both qualitative andquantitative analyses were carried out on products, that looked at marketing methods,channels, value analysis and analysis of company's decision-making problems ata strategic level.
Thirdly,to gain project practice experience, the graduate students formed 10 groups,and through brainstorming the groups came up with their own entrepreneurialprojects. These projects were then developed, including product promotion,market research, competing goods analysis, economic analysis, using businessEnglish, while assisted by entrepreneurship mentors who coached the teams usingtheir own entrepreneurial experience to make prototype projects have a genuinefeeling of authenticity.
Mostimportantly, the camp paid significant attention to guide students to view andanalyze problems from the perspective of entrepreneurs,learn the basic elements of entrepreneurship, to understand the market andcompetition, as well as basic economic knowledge, and transform the graduatestudents from "engineering thinking" to "entrepreneurthinking".
Finally, during the final presentation,each team performed their respective duties, having optimized anentrepreneurial idea into a promising blueprint, then carried outproductization attempts to further transform the project into reality.
This Online Summer Camp was support by theGraduate School of Zhejiang University, which has enhanced the graduate students'ability of cross-cultural communication,the ability of team work and the spirit of innovation&entrepreneurship. The students have gained the friendship through teamcooperation, and realized the significance of efficient teamwork andgood executive ability is critical for successful entrepreneurs.
Under the situation of epidemic, thePolytechnic Institute has made full use of network technology to activelyorganize various online programs, and successfully created a new mode ofinternational cooperation and exchange.
The Institute will further strengthen theconstruction of high-level innovation& entrepreneurship faculty teams,build a characteristic international innovation & entrepreneurshipeducation brand, and promote the incubation and implementation of excellent entrepreneurshipprojects and start-ups of its graduate students.