ZJU Grad Students Embrace 'Dissertation-at-Home' Format
Apr 15, 2020|Global Communications |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
COVID-19 hasbrought up many unexpected challenges to our students. For graduate studentsnearing the end of programs, they have to remotely present an effective andengaging dissertation defense.
Recently,Zhejiang University has successfully completed all virtual dissertation defensescheduled for spring 2020 semester. A total of 2,293 postgraduates presentedtheir oral defenses in a remote way.
YANG Lei, agraduate student of the School of Mechanical Engineering studying microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) piezoelectric hydrophone, was the first one experiencingthis ‘dissertation-at-home’ format.
‘’I heard aboutthe possibility of virtual dissertation defense early February and was excitedto embrace the idea of a remote video conference for the presentation,” YANGsaid. “I am happy to be able to graduate as scheduled. Meanwhile, I was alittle bit worried about how to work with this novel way”.
‘’YANG’spresentation showed that even under these unprecedented conditions an excellentdefense is possible,” said his adviser, XIE Jin, professor of mechanicalengineering. “He delivered with a calm demeanor and presented his large body ofwork in a concise and pedagogical manner.”
SONG Huijie,2017 graduate of the College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, also saidthis is an "unforgettable lifetime experience" and virtual defenselet her to deal with the questions more confidently.
At early Marchthe University has formulated virtual thesis and dissertation filing guidelinesfor students and advisors. Colleges and departments set up a specialized oraldefense committee and implemented oral defense work in a meticulous manner inan effort to ensure the quality of degree conferring. Also the InformationTechnology Center provided solid technical support to ensure the stability ofthe remote oral defense platform.