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A Key Meeting on Graduate Education Was Held

A key meeting on graduate education held on Thursday,5 March, underlined the need to coordinate epidemic control and graduateeducation development to meet targets set for this year.

The meeting was held in the form of video conference. Vicepresident Yan Jianhua and Vice Secretary of the Party Committee Wu Xiaochengattended the meeting and gave speeches. Vice President Zhou Tianhua presidedover the meeting.

Yan highlighted five key points to promote thedevelopment of graduate education. First, we should continue to cultivate souland educate people, promote the collaborative interaction of tutors, graduatestudents and administrators, and build a good graduate education ecologicalenvironment. Second, we should optimize the system and mechanism, promote theten action plans of comprehensive reform of doctoral education withhigh-quality cooperation in science and education, and deepen the comprehensivereform of professional degree graduate education with high-level integration ofindustry and education. Third, we should promote the integration of science andeducation, combine multi-disciplines, make up for shortcomings, and promote theconstruction of first-class discipline ecosystem. Fourth, we should take theinitiative to turn the crisis into an opportunity, ensure our graduate degreeawarding, graduate enrollment and other related work is more concrete, moremeticulous and better implemented during the epidemic prevention and controlperiod, stay united, work hard and provide a strong talent guarantee andintellectual support for building a world-class university with Chinesecharacteristics.

Wu said at the meeting that the epidemic preventionand control had changed from "closed control" to "precise intelligentcontrol", the ideological and political work and teaching should be arrangedwith precision and intelligence, planned in advance, coordinated with eachother and implemented with responsibility. He stressed that the Party constructionamong graduate students proceeded from five aspects: First, we should help thestudents to set up great ambition. Second, we should reaffirm the importance ofupholding Party leadership over work in all areas and aspects. Third, we shouldreconstruct the ideological and political curriculum. Fourth, we should makescientific employment strategy for the graduates. Fifth, we should establish anincentive-security mechanism. We should develop subjective initiative infulfilling our responsibilities.

The related leaders of Graduate School madearrangements on epidemic prevention and control work related to graduateeducation and stressed overcoming the impact of COVID-19 to comprehensively putinto practice the work plans of building the outstanding graduate education. Morethan 400 people attended the meeting online, including heads of schools andcolleges, relevant postgraduate academic administrators, etc.

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