A letter to the ZJU Community regarding the 2019-nCoV outbreak
Feb 02, 2020|hufei |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
Dear ZJU students, faculty, staff, and alumni:
At the beginning ofthe New Year, the whole nation is challenged by the outbreak of pneumoniacaused by the novel coronavirus. All-out efforts are being made by the Chinesegovernment to curb the spread of the epidemic. The University is committed tooffering whatever expertise and aid we could extend for the prevention andcontrol of the disease.We attach paramount importance to ensuring the safetyand health of our entire community. For the health of you and your family, wehereby kindly ask you to follow the guidelines for the epidemic prevention andcontrol:
1.Remain alert and follow official adviceIf you have been tothe infected areas recently, or contacted people who are from the epidemicareas, please immediately report to the community where you stay. Pleasecooperate when relevant staff inquire about your health condition and stay athome under medical observation for at least 14 days. In case of any concerns orinquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact your colleges/schools, the 24-hour hotline of the university:0571-88981700 or the counselling office: 0571-88206286 (9:00-11:30,13:30-16:30, Mon. - Fri.).
2.Strengthen prevention and self-protectionAs part of theprecautions, the University has decided to postpone the start of the springquarter. Please DO NOT returnto the campus until further official notice. Minimize outdoor activities,particularly avoid crowded areas, group gatherings to guard against theinfection. Keep good hygiene by washing hands frequently and wearing masksproperly in public places. Maintain proper ventilation and keep your roomsclean.
3.Stay firm and rely on official updatesKeep calm and remainrational. Treat the epidemic with a scientific approach and reply on theofficial channel for the updates. Please DONOT share or disseminate unverified information regarding theepidemic.
4.Keep good balance of your life and work Please maintain abalanced schedule of work, rest and exercise to improve immunity and live ahealthy life. You can access onlinecoursework platform, MOOC and our library’s digitized materials and resources tostudy and work from home.In time of difficulties, the entire ZJU communitystands together with those of us who have been struck by this epidemic. We’recommitted and united in solidarity in fighting against the epidemic. We lookforward to welcoming you back to campus safe and healthy.
Zhejiang University
Feb.1st , 2020