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Campus Talk on 2020 CSC Scholarships for Postgraduate Students was successfully held

On the afternoon of January 7, the Campus Talk on 2020 CSCScholarships for Postgraduate Students was held in the Theater of ZijingangCampus, Zhejiang University. The activity was highly concerned by the teachersand students. The total number of participants was nearly 1,000, which createsa new record. Member of the CPC Committee and Vice President Yan Jianhua,Director of the Graduate Affairs Office JIANG Quanyuan, heads and teachers ofthe ZJU departments and schools attended the campus talk. The campus talk waschaired by Deputy Director of the Graduate Affairs Office WANG Xiaoying.

YAN Jianhua pointed out that ZJU has been carrying out educationopening strategy in the recent years and has recently released CREATE ActionPlan, which aims to improve the academic innovation ability and global competenceof our graduate students. ZJU has adopted a series of measures to vigorouslyexpand international cooperation and exchange channels, and to improve ZJU'sability to train international talents. YAN encouraged the students to fullygrasp the valuable opportunities of CSC Scholarships for students studyingabroad to broaden their horizons, to improve their academic innovationcapabilities, and to strive to become a high-quality innovative talent andleader with all-round development of morality, intelligence, sports, labor,beauty and global competitiveness.

JIANG Quanyuan first introduced the overall situation of thegraduate education internationalization of ZJU, and then introduced the variousCSC scholarships for studying abroad and the ZJU scholarships for students studyingabroad. The scholarship's selection policy was interpreted with emphasis,including the scholarship's selection principles, the scale and scope of theselection, key funding areas, application conditions, selection procedures,application considerations, etc.

Dean of the College of Media and International Culture WEI Lu, DeputyDean of the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Lv Chaofeng and DeputyDean of the School of Medicine XU Xiao, introduced the efforts and achievementsmade by the relevant schools and colleges in international talents training.

As student representatives, Zhu Xinyi of the School of PublicAffairs and Chen Di of the College of Chemical and Biological Engineeringshared their experience in applying for CSC scholarship and studying abroad.

Closing the campus talk, Zhang Xinyue from International Officeof Graduate School answered the questions raised by the students and shesuggested that students make reasonable plans for studying abroad.

A branch venue was set up at Zhoushan Campus and provided videolive streaming.

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