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The 2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination at ZJU Successfully Conducted

The 2020 National PostgraduateEntrance Examination was conducted from Dec. 21 to 23, 2019. Among the 28,823applicants applying for Zhejiang University, 10,495 of them took theexam at Zhejiang University, reaching an increase of 878 applicants and an 8.8percent rise over last year. In addition, 4863 applicants applied for part-timedegrees, accounting for 46.3% of the total number ofapplicants at Zhejiang University, reaching an increase of 536 applicants and a12.7 percent rise over last year.

Zhejiang University set up 348 examrooms at Zijingang Campus and Xixi Campus,and recruited about 1,000 university staff members withstrong sense of responsibility as exam staffs. Under the guidance of the Partycommittee of the university, and with the full cooperation of the relevantdepartments, the examination at Zhejiang University has been successfullyconducted.

According to the schedule of theMinistry of Education, the results of the first-round examination are expectedto be released after February 10, 2020, and the fractional line of thesecond-round examination will be released around March 1, 2020.

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