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CAS,CAE add two ZJU faculty members to their ranks

TwoZhejiang University researchers are among 139 new members of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS)and Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and 49foreign associates from 19 countries, the academies announced Friday.

Thetwo – YE Zhizhen,a professor of Material Science and Engineering; REN Qilong, a professor ofChemical Engineering and Technology– bring the total number of living ZJUfaculty members who are members of the academy to 49.

YE,who is director of MOE's Key Laboratory of Biomass Chemical Engineering, workson deposition of ZnO thin films and p type doping and fabrication of LED andapplication of transparent conducting coating in solar cell.

RENfocuses on separation and pharmaceutical engineering, natural PharmaceuticalChemistry and supercritical Fluid Technology.

Collectivelyknown as the "Two Academies", ChineseAcademy of Sciences and ChineseAcademy of Engineering are the most prestigious scientificsociety in the China and function as the national scientific think tank andacademic governing body, providing advisory and appraisal services on issuesstemming from the national economy, social development, and science andtechnology progress.

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