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The 1st SME-NUS-NTU Summer Research Workshop

Answering the country’scall of building the world first-class universities and disciplines, the firstSME-NUS-NTU summer research workshop has been executed successfully betweenAugust 4th and 13th. A team of 10 PhD candidates,led by Dr. Tao Peng, has paid a series of research visits to NationalUniversity of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) andA*Star Technology and Research, and discussed possible collaborations in manyfields, including Industrial Big Data, Smart Manufacturing, Operation andScheduling, Artificial Intelligence.

The first stop is NUSBusiness School and Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management(ISEM). Prof. James Pang, as a ZJU alumni, welcomed the team. The ZJU teammembers and NUS researchers had in-depth discussions with each other inindustrial and business big data mining and analysis, medical resourcemanagement, and cloud manufacturing scheduling. The team also visited C4NGP andVNUS labs in ISEM, which focused on the promising applications of industrialengineering in the next generation of ports, 3D maps and intelligentnavigation.

The second stop is NTUSchool of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Singapore Center of 3DPrinting. Prof. Chun-Hsien Chen, Prof. Songlin Chen, Dr. Pai Zheng were invitedto give academic seminars on product service system, knowledge management,human factors and intelligent medical robot. In addition, 3 team membersvisited Prof. Kezhi Mao, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, andchatted closely in the topic of industrial big data and data mining.

 The last stop is SingaporeA*Star, one of the world-famous research centers, where cutting-edge researchesare being conducted. Dr. Lim Joo Hwee, Dr. Ma Tin Lay New and Dr. LiXiaoli briefed the ongoing research works in intelligent visualization, incrementallearning, and industrial artificial intelligence, and etc.

This international workshop has presented a high-level academicaccomplishment of our PhD students, enhanced the understanding of big data,intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence and other frontier domains,and broadened the horizons of research perspectives. Meanwhile, friendship hasbeen strengthened between researchers in NUS, NTU and A*Star. During thisvisit, Singapore was celebrating its 54th National Day, theteam members also experienced a variety of authentic cultural events.


This summer researchworkshop program is sponsored by the 4th International Workshopfor Postgraduates, Graduate School, Zhejiang University, and also receivedfinancial support from School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University.

Source: School of Mechanical Engineering

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