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Zhejiang University 2019 Summer Postgraduate Commencement and Degree Conferment Ceremony

A Postgraduate Commencement and DegreeConferment Ceremony was held on Zijingang Campus for the Class of 2019postgraduates on June 29. More than 3700 postgraduate students, including 247international students gathered in the Stadium of Zijingang Campus to celebratetheir big day.

2458 postgraduate student were awardedmaster's degrees. 1058 postgraduate students were awarded doctoral degrees.

Academician WU Zhaohui, president of ZJUgave the farewell speech. He inspired the graduates to be life-long learnerswho adapt to the digitalized learning network, future leaders who cross thedisciplinary boundaries, innovators who venture into the unknown frontiers,active doers who address the national needs, and brave pioneers who embracechanges. WU also underscored that the young generation are bound to "forgeforward for their dreams in the global arena.

Academician WU Zhaohui, president of ZJUcongratulated all the graduates on behalf of Zhejiang University and made aspeech entitled "Let Youth Blossom in a Century of Change". He saidthat during their study at Zhejiang University, students felt the excellenteducational atmosphere, experienced innovative academic training, met sincereteachers and classmates, and shared a common cultural gene. As a president anda fellow student graduated many years before, he is very happy to witness theimportant moments of their life. He expressed his congratulations and wishes toall the students.

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