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A Delegation from TU/e Led by Vice President Ton Backx Visited Graduate School

OnMay 10, a delegation from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), led byVice President Ton Backx, visited Graduate School of Zhejiang University.Present at the meeting were Deputy Director Graduate Academic Affairs Wang Xiaoyingand Deputy Dean of Polytechnic institution Chen Fengqiu.

WangXiaoying extended his cordial welcome to the TU/e delegation and believe that the collaboration in the post-Master’sprogram will become the driving force behind the development of PolytechnicInstitute of Zhejiang University. ChenFengqiu gave a brief introduction of Polytechnic institution of ZJU and hope toenhance cooperation between the two universities, utilizing their intimateuniversity-enterprise relationship and piggybacking off the“university-enterprise” partnership mode.

TonBackx appreciated these years of fruitful cooperation between ZhejiangUniversity and hope to promote partnership with Zhejiang University inscientific research, faculty and student mobility.

Bothuniversities agreed that they will the two universities will work on a jointprogram for postgraduates and boosting cooperation with TU/e’s post-Master’sPDEng program.

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