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2019 "Design + Innovation" Winter Program held in Singapore

OnJan. 27, 35 students from ZJU’s School of Management and School of ComputerScience and Technology arrived at Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD) for the 2019 Design + Innovation Singapore Winter Program. In thefollowing week, they were brought through an innovation process that helpedthem better understand and practice user-centric design thinking.

Organizedby ZJU’s School of Management, the workshop aims to provide students witha unique design and innovation experience. “The curriculum covered the wholeprocess of design and some knowledge of management, enabling students of bothschools to develop their strengths. For students from the School of Management,the experience was a good opportunity to reach out to new areas. I realizedthat design can really be found everywhere,” said participant GUO Wenjie.

Duringthe workshop, students worked in teams to conduct research and interviews andcomplete low-fidelity prototypes. “Although time is limited, we enjoyedgenerating fresh ideas with team members from other majors,” said anotherstudent ZHENG Meiting. “Any design is based on real needs. You need to open upyour eyes, pay attention to details and put yourself in the users’ shoes”

Source: School ofManagement

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