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ZJU moves up to No. 3 in THE Emerging Economies University Rankings 2019

Jumpingthree places from last year, ZJU makes it into the top three in the latestTimes Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Rankings 2019. TheUniversity has seen improvements in many aspects, especially in internationaloutlook, teaching and industry income, according to THE.

Chinaagain dominates the ranking: universities from Chinese mainland account forseven spots out of the top ten universities.  Altogether 104 Chineseuniversities are represented in the list (72 from Chinese mainland and 32from China's Taiwan). This year, Tsinghua University surpassed PekingUniversity to claim first place in the ranking. 

EllieBothwell, Global Rankings Editor for THE, said: “China isreaping the benefits of having long ago positioned its institutions at theheart of its national economic growth strategy.

“Thenation’s success – on not only the emerging stage, but also the global one – isunderpinned by its solid and sustained investment and strengtheninginternational focus, working to attract top global talent and be part of stronginternational research collaborations.”

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