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ZJU strengthens ties with Singapore University of Technology and Design

OnDec. 11, Vice President HE Lianzhen led a delegation to attend the conferenceof the ZJU-SUTD Cooperation Administrative Committee at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).  

Atthe conference, the two universities reported the latest cooperation programs,discussed the plan for future partnership and reached a consensus in regard toco-hosting 2019 Technology and Design International Symposium at ZhejiangUniversity.

VicePresident HE Lianzhen and SUTD President Chong Tow Chong signed an agreement onthe student exchange program between SUTD and the ZJU-UIUC Institute.

SUTDis Singapore’s 4th public university established in 2009, and one of theworld’s first universities to incorporate the art and science of design andtechnology into its multi-disciplinary curriculum and research. It has anenrollment of roughly 1,200 undergraduates, 300 postgraduates and 500 facultymembers. According to Clarivate Analytics, it ranked fifth as the mostinfluential scientific research institution in telecommunications worldwide in2017.  

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