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ZJU alumnus Patricio Giusto supports China-Argentina tie in 2018 G20 summit

Atthe 2018 G20 Summit in Argentina, PatricioGiusto, an eminent ZJU alumnus, an Argentine public policy expert,Head of Political Diagnostics Consulting and an associate professor at the CatholicUniversity of Argentina, expressed his anticipation of close ties between Chinaand Argentina and other Latin American countries in an article published inPeople’s Daily and in an exclusive interview with Xinhua NewsAgency.  

OnNov. 26, Patricio Giusto published an article entitled “Hope pinned on thestage of China-Latin America cooperation”. “Within the framework of the Beltand Road Initiative, China and Latin American countries have witnessed morecooperation in investment and trade and reaped remarkable fruits,” hecommented. “The G20 will become a stage on which China, Argentina and otherLatin American countries will expand cooperation and achieve a win-winsituation,” he added.

Xinhua NewsAgency also had an exclusive interview with Patricio Giusto. Inregard to the relationship between China and Latin American countries, hepointed out that “this relationship is strategic” and that “China has become amajor trade partner and a pivotal investment source for Latin America.”“President Xi Jiping’s speech at the 13th G20 summit was a strong and clearmessage, spotlighting the importance of opening up and cooperation within theframework of the G20, for the sake of safeguarding the multilateral tradingsystem,” said Patricio Giusto.

Sponsoredby the Youth ofExcellence Scheme of China (YES CHINA), Patricio Giustoobtained his master degree in ChinaStudies at ZhejiangUniversity.

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