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Human body communication transceiver designed by ZJU scientist

Recently,ZHAO Bo from the College of Information Science & Electronic Engineeringpublished a paper entitled “A Low-Power Compact IEEE802.15.6 Compatible HumanBody Communication Transceiver with Digital Sigma—Delta IIR Mask Shaping” inthe IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. ZHAO Bo is the leading author of thispaper.  

TheIEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits publishes papers each month in thebroad area of solid-state circuits with particular emphasis on transistor-leveldesign of integrated circuits. It also provides coverage of topics such ascircuit modeling, technology, systems design, layout, and testing that relatedirectly to IC design. Integrated circuits and VLSI are of principal interest.Since its inauguration in 1966, it has published roughly 12,300 papers, amongwhich only about 50 papers are penned by scholars from mainland China.

Toenhance the mask rejection below 2 MHz for effective human body communication(HBC), a new mask shaping technique is proposed for the HBC transmitter, wherea digital sigma-delta modulated infinite impulse response (IIR) filter providessufficient rejection with a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) of only 8 bits. Areceiver with high input impedance is designed to improve sensitivity, and adigital calibration technique is employed to eliminate the DC-to-DC offset. Theproposed techniques are implemented in 65nm CMOS process, and a sub-mm sizedIEEE 802.15.6 compatible HBC transceiver is demonstrated. Measurements showthat the transmitter achieves a rejection of -86.5 dBr at 2 MHz with a powerconsumption of 3.52 mW. Consuming 620 μW, the receiver achieves a sensitivityof -72 dBm at a chip rate of 5.25 Mcps and a bit error rate (BER) less than10-7.

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