Delegation from Forrest Research Foundation Visiting Zhejiang University
Nov 09, 2018|hufei |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
On November 5th, a delegation led by Director of the Forrest Research Foundation Professor Paul Johnson visited Zhejiang University. Director of the Graduate Affairs Office Jiang Quanyuan, Dean of Ocean College Wang Lizhong, Deputy Director of Office of Global Engagement Xu Ying and Deputy Director of Human Resource Department Lv Lijiang and other faculty members were engaged in the meeting.
XuYing extended a warm welcome to their coming and introduced the recentdevelopment of Zhejiang University. Jiang Quanyuan introduced the currentsituation of graduate education of ZJU, particularly the development concerninginternational cooperation and exchange of the postgraduate students from ZJU.Wang Lizhong expressed the wishes to further cooperate with universities fromwest Australia in the field of Ocean Research. Lv Lijiang introduced theinternational cooperation in the field of the post-doctoral fellowships.
PaulJohnson spoke highly of the construction and development of Zhejiang Universityand affirmed the cooperation results between two parties in recent two years,expecting the further cooperation with Zhejiang University in the future. PaulJohnson encouraged more students from Zhejiang University to apply for thescholarship.
Afterthe Leadership Meeting, a campus talk took place at Hall Yuquan. Paul Johnsongave an introduction of the Forrest Research Foundation and answered thequestions raised by the students interested in the scholarship.
TheForrest Research Foundation was established in 2014 with an initial gift ofAU$100 million to create an elite PhD scholarship and post-doctoral fellowshipprogram in Western Australia. The Foundation annually supports up to 12fully-funded 4-year PhD Scholarships and 4 generous 3-year Post-doctoralFellowships for exceptional researchers, who can be based at any of WesternAustralia’s five universities (though the great majority are based at UWA). TheScholarships and Fellowships are open to candidates from any nationality, andany field of research. Applicants need to have an outstanding academic trackrecord; for example, the average GPA of Forrest PhD Scholars is 3.97/4.0, andtypically they have been in the top 5% of their graduating cohort. The Scholarshipsand Fellowships provide some of the most generous stipends of any internationalscholarship and fellowship scheme, and also provide accommodation in luxuryself-contained apartments in Forrest Hall, adjacent to the UWA campus in Perth.