A Delegation from LMU paid a visit to Graduate School
Aug 28, 2018|hufei |Source: 裸聊app 英文网
OnAugust 27, a delegation from LMU, led by Stefan Lauterbach, Director ofInternational Office, paid a visit to Graduate School. Present at the meetingwere Jiang Quanyuan, Director Academic Affairs of Graduate School, Dr.Dongmei Zhang, LMU Coordinator of Applications LMU–CSC Programm, Zhang Xinyueand Hu Fei from International Office of Graduate School.
Prof.Jiang Quanyuan extended his cordial welcome to the LMU delegation and introducedthe current mission and future development of Graduate Education of ZJU andexpressed his hope that the two universities will deepen exchanges and promotestrategic cooperation in various fields.
''We are pleased to have success working with ZJU through theLMU-China Academic Network (LMU-ChAN),'' said Dr. StefanLauterbach. ''We appreciated the collaboration with Zhejiang University.'' Healso gave a brief introduction of LMU in terms of its geographical location,faculty, student, advantageous majors, training mode and internationalcooperation. He expressed his desire to promote partnership with ZJU inscientific research, faculty and student mobility. Dr. Dongmei Zhang,introduced the LMU–CSC Programm, application and admission data of applicantsfrom ZJU in recent years.
Thetwo parties appreciate these years of fruitful cooperation between ZhejiangUniversity and LMU, and agreed to promote cooperation in talent cultivation andto develop more joint training programs for postgraduates from the twouniversities.
Asone of Europe’s leading research universities, LMU looks back on 500 years oftradition and forward to the challenges and responsibilities ahead. Itsexcellence in teaching and research embraces a wide diversity of fields—fromthe humanities and cultural studies through law, economics and social sciencesto medicine and natural sciences. In the World University Ranking 2018, LMUoccupies the top spot among German universities, sharing the 34th slot with theUniversity of British Columbia in Canada worldwide.