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The 11th International Summer Program of Guanghua Law School

The 11th International Summer Program ofGuanghua Laws School was held on Zhijiang Campus from July 16 to 20. BothChinese and international students were involved in this event, who wereexposed to law-related practices and unique local culture.

In his opening speech on the first day, Prof.ZHAO Jun, vice dean of Guanghua Law School, expressed warm welcome to theparticipants and wished them a fruitful stay here. The following ice-breakingactivities pulled unacquainted students closer to each other.

As a group, both Chinese and internationalstudents took part in a variety of law-related activities together. On thesecond day, they visited the Binjiang District People’s Court, where they had achance to attend two criminal trials. They were also invited to Zhejiang ZedaLaw Firm and an academic salon host by Prof. ZHAO Jun, with the theme of“Mutual Encouragement and Interaction of International Rule of Law and China’sRule of Law”.

Students were divided into two groups for different destinations on July18. The Chinese students visited History Museum in Zijingang Campus, while theforeign members headed for Ningbo. Guided by the faculty from NingboUniversity, foreign students visited Ningbobang Museum, History Museum ofNingbo University, Asoka Temple and Ningbo Museum.

“I hope all of you have enjoyed the summer schooland become outstanding legal professionals in the next decades,” said Ms. WUWeihua, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Guanghua Law School on thefarewell ceremony.

Writer: ZHENG Gejun

Source: Guanghua LawSchool

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